Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Day two

So as hard as I tried to fight getting jet lag, I failed, miserably. I went to bed at midnight, but then I woke up at two, didn't fall back to sleep until four, and then woke up at noon when house keeping came in to pick up my trash. Hopefully it won't take me too long to kick it.

Today I decided to go exploring so I headed over to Kensington Gardens/ Hyde Park, which is less than a quarter mile away from my hall. It was totally gorgeous outside, about sixty degrees and sunny. I can't tell you how excited I was (after all the heat in Kentucky) that I actually had to wear a track jacket it was so chilly! About fifteen minutes into my walk I had my first run-in with a stranger who I believe was not interested in talking to me just because I seemed nice. After about fifteen minutes of talking to him and a growing sense of uneasiness I politely told him I had to leave and got out of that. I'm finally in a situation where my irrational sense of paranoia will actually do me some good lol. I can't wait until I meet some people so I can do the whole buddy system thing.

Other than that, Kensington Gardens was beautiful, and huge! It's so weird seeing such a large, peaceful park in the middle of such a busy city. I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of studying there as long as the weather holds up. I took a lot of pictures, unfortunately I'm awful at taking pictures and a lot of them didn't turn out (the not so bad ones you can see here). Guess it will just take some practice. I spent a good hour and half walking around the park before I headed home. I looked at my map when I got back and realized that for all of that walking I had only managed to see the Gardens and hadn't even made it to Hyde Park, so I guess I'll have to save that for another day.

Tomorrow I start my international student orientation. It doesn't look like there will be a whole lot going on, just basic introductions and the like, but hopefully I will meet some other people, and start feeling like I fit in here.

Oh, and I forgot to tell everyone, but I obviously know my address now! I'll try to remember to let people know when I email them, if not, just send me a message and I'll give it to you. Anyway, off to try and get a decent night's sleep!


lisa said...

Was he cute? and did he have the accent? please!!!!! you should have so totally been all over that! lol ;*

Anonymous said...

ill come be your buddy. mmk? i dont really need to go to class for the next couple of weeks.
ill filter your boys and do your homework.
:-) :-)

lisa said...

Uhoh your starting to slack already morgy... No day 3? what? are you doing ok?

lisa said...

You so should take a picture of the street sign... westminster abbey! and post that! it would be GREAT!!!!