Friday, September 21, 2007

Day 5

I got my first real proof today that I am already starting to fit in. I was stopped, twice, today for directions, and once from a native Brit! And to top it off, I could help them both. I really should not be as excited as I am about that lol. I also finally got the courage to wear my iPod on the walk to campus, and man, does two miles go soooo much faster with music!

I'm not really fitting in though because I don't dress at all like Brits. Matt was right, everyone wears tights and flats. It doesn't matter what they're wearing with it, a dress, jeans, a business suit, it's always accompanied by tights and flats. Well I do have two pairs of flats, but I don't, and won't, own a single pair of tights. So I guess I'll keep sticking out like a sore thumb :)

I got all of my tuition fees sorted out today, but it's going to take them a good three weeks to get my refunds back to me! I don't think they realize how fond I am of eating daily, and of how much Lillian Penson would like their rent paid... But I'm not that worried about it, things will sort themselves out, they can't do anything else.

I don't have anything going on this weekend really so I think I'll use it to catch up on my sleep and do some sight-seeing on Sunday. I can't do any tomorrow because my feet are protesting way too loudly and way too much, but I really do want to see more of the sites.

I also have to note that not having TV is so ridiculously hard to get used to. I actually have to actively find things to do to keep me occupied now, it's crazy lol. I think it'll help a lot come class time, less of a distraction that way. But OMG what am I going to do without new episodes of The Office and Private Practice? I guess it's just a cross I'll have to bear :)

I miss all of you guys and will hopefully talk to you soon!


Anonymous said...

ooh life without tv isnt all bad. it means youll get more reading done...and more cross stitching done....

just you wait, those tights will rub off on you yet-- and you must not stick out too badly if people are mistaking you for a local! yay!

when do you start classes?? thatll keep you occupied.... :-P

glad to hear that all is well :-)

Unknown said...
I'll take the one on the left HAWT.

lisa said...

so are you just taking weekends off of this thing or what?