Monday, September 17, 2007

Room pictures

room pic 2
Originally uploaded by murgandy
I took a bunch of pictures of the room before I started unpacking (click the picture and it will take you to my flickr account where you can view the rest). You can really tell how this hall was converted from a hotel.

1 comment:

lisa said...

Hey, Glad to hear you made it over ok! I hope your having a blast! I miss ya babe! we def. have to move into the house asap, J came home over lunch and saw 3 construction guys IN our apartment! and the landlord wasn't even there like keeping an eye on stuff... The birds were going shit nuts and we have stuff lying around the apt. so we were pissed and now we are going to move ASAP... kinda sucks but i guess its good! Anyway ttyl keep in touch!