Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Good Evening All!

I am so reliable. Updating once every month, like clockwork really, ha.

Anyway, what's been up with me? Um, been busy with class, though admittedly not as busy as I should be with it, shh, don't tell. I have four day weekends this term, which is fantastic, though I manage to get even less done in them, ha! I have been hanging out a lot more with people. I actually have friends, so that's been fun and distracting!

Currently though I am a nervous wreck waiting to hear about my results for next year. I had to reapply to take the second portion of this course next year and have another 6 days to wait and hear if I made it in! As everyone knows, I'm a massive worrier, and this is way too much stress for me. I think my interview went alright, but it was very short, only about 20 minutes when they were supposed to be 45! The practical part of my interview is on Friday, and, knock on wood, it should be much easier than the spoken portion. I'm just such a wreck, I signed onto this program to do all three years, I don't have the option to not go on! So keep your fingers crossed for me!

Typical tourist sight seeing is down this term though. I think that means I'm becoming a bit more of a local! Well, maybe not, but I don't stick out as much as a tourist anyway. I did go to Temple a couple weeks ago. It's the hub for all of the barristers and the like, and is usually (at least partially) closed off to the public. But, they had a really big anniversary last month so they completely opened it up. It was sooo cool. It was like stepping back into the 1800s, old buildings, cobblestone roads (that hurt like the dickens to walk on in flats!), wrought iron lamp posts, the works. I took quite a few pictures (which I intend to upload to my flickr account eventually haha). We got to go into the Templar church (they filmed a bit of The Da Vinci Code in it), it was a really cool building. It was just neat seeing some of the actual Templar graves/ tombs/ whatever you want to call it. There were also some really great molded heads all along the walls inside. Another building we got to explore was the Middle Temple (picture), which was sooo familiar to me while we were there and I couldn't figure out why. Well, I watched the second Bridget Jones movie last weekend and the ending bit was filmed there, and that explained that! Haha.

I've been doing a ton of walking lately. Well, I was up until a week or so ago when I got ill, blech. Anyway, I have managed to explore and/ or visit Notting Hill, Bayswater, Belsize Park, Hampstead, a bit of Hampstead Heath (pic on the right is the view of the city skyline from Parliament Hill), Regent's Park, Primrose Hill, Golders Green, seen a bit more of Hyde Park, etc. There are some really beautiful areas around here that I would have never though to visit as a tourist and that are just great to walk around and take in. And since we have been having pretty consistent sunny weather in the mid-50s (mwahaha, sorry about the snow guys! :P) I've just been walking about everywhere. Doesn't hurt to get the exercise either!

So, I guess I do have a bit of news. I am moving in like two and a half weeks! I am kind of nervous, more nervous than when I moved to another country, yeah, I'm quite odd. A friend of mine lives in an attic room in a house in Hampstead Garden Suburb and recently another room in the house became available, so I jumped on it. It's cheaper than here and it'll be great to live with a friend right there. The room is also quite a bit bigger, I think the walk in closet I'll have is the size of my cell now! I'll also have a bathtub which my neck and back have been aching for for months. There will be my own fridge (no more jerks stealing my orange juice!), microwave, and cooker/hob combo. I admit I absolutely love my location now, I am smack dab in the center of London. Hyde Park is a block away, the tube, the grocery store, everything, is just around the corner, there are tall buildings, it's the city city- and I'm about to move to a suburb. It's a bit further out (though the same travel time to campus basically), but it's an insanely nice area. I mean, it's a suburb in London. There are trees, and kitties(!), and people own cars, and my room overlooks a back yard garden. It was built at turn of the century 1900s, and hasn't really been touched since due to conservation laws. I'm scared that if I open my mouth when I walk down the street people are going to realize I don't belong and kick me out. And while I won't be near Hyde Park anymore, I'm only a block north of Hampstead Heath, which as far as I am concerned, is far awesomer (yes, it is a word:), especially since I have yet to have any scary encounters with strangers at the Heath, and considering the area, I'm far less likely to. Anyway, I'm excited, and as much as moving is going to suck, a lot of the girls in the program have already been really nice and offered to help me! If anyone is interested, a guy on flickr has taken tons of really great pictures of the Suburb which can be seen here.

But yeah, that's it for me, exciting as always! Anyway, I miss everyone back home and hope the weather gets pretty soon :) Take care!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

splendid update. i am excited for you. and utterly heartbroken that i can't come be an imposition. *sigh* i wanna come play!

Anonymous said...
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